
Mar 17, 2016

Taking it Easy

Our Wolf Den met today to hand out fliers for the Scouting for Food Drive on Saturday. Sport is our Den Chief and we had two boys assigned with us while we did door hangers for about 25 homes. It was a cool day, but not overly cold and no snow like we had yesterday.

I had the grocery bag full of papers and the map. We were trying to hurry since our den was split into three groups and we didn't want to be the last ones back to the base. I hung the flier, stepped off the porch and started down the walk.

I can't remember if I glanced at the map or was looking for the boys at the house next door when suddenly I was falling. I tucked my shoulder and landed hard on my left side. I felt a sharp stab of pain in my rib cage as the breath was knocked out of me.

Thankfully, a small hedge blocked me from view. I gathered myself and my things from the sidewalk and pressed my left elbow against my side to stop the throbbing pain. We still had more than half of the houses to do.

At the park, the other boys were already back when we finally arrived. They helped themselves to cookies and water bottles while I seated myself in the pavilion to watch the boys play for a few minutes before we took them home.

By the time the boys were all delivered, the pain was getting pretty intense. I knew from my sweetie's injured ribs a year or so ago that just breathing was uncomfortable. The Dog Walker took me to the Urgent Care where I was subjected to X-rays and an ace wrap. It appears that the ribs are just badly bruised although other than the length of time it takes for them to recover, the treatment is not much different.

I guess I'll be taking it easy for a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Now, you must take it easy! Enjoy the moments of now having so much to do. I don't know if they use a wrap around the rib cage anymore; but I do know that was one thing that helped. I am so happy that your ribs weren't broken. It is a very painful injury so use some pain medication. You will be in my prayers! Love and hugs!
