
Mar 25, 2016

Spring Break Begins!

Finally, the kids are all out of school for the weekend! Except for Princess and Dog Walker, I mean. They had their Spring Break last week. I don't know why SLCC and UVU don't get on the same schedule as the public schools. It makes it so difficult to plan anything!

We did do a couple of fun things today. My sweetie took the day off, so he and Sport prepped for painting the downstairs bedroom for the Dog Walker. We also signed the kids up for a Thursday night Lowe's Class where they made little pull-back race cars. I know, weird, they have never done a class on a Thursday before. Maybe they moved it because of the holiday weekend. It's hard to compete with the egg hunts going on everywhere.

Then my sweetie ordered pizza from Papa John's. His excuse is that the Jazz won last night so all of the regular menu pizzas are half price. I keep telling him that is still pretty expensive, but since everyone loves pizza, I usually lose the battle. This time I didn't even really try to argue. After all, I do have 14 dozen eggs in my fridge, so that makes it pretty difficult to find room for anything else, including dinner.

1 comment:

  1. That was a fun post. Loved the photos and I am sure you all enjoyed the pizza. Have a really lovely Easter Celebration! Hugs for all~
