
Feb 13, 2016

Teach's Wedding Day

Wait, wrong bride!
I was in an amazing mood this morning. Most of the stress was gone after we got things set up and ready last night. We had to be at the temple at 9:00, and it wasn't long before Teach and Twiz were dressed and ready to go. The sealing was beautiful and they were so happy!

Lunch at the small church
Mr. and Mrs.
We took some pics on the temple grounds and then headed for home so we could change and get to the small church. (I know, Sport gave me crap for tying up two of our church buildings this morning!). The caterer set up the food, so that made it super easy for us to visit with family and friends. We had barbecue and when we were finished and the bride and groom had "left the building" we had a rousing game of basketball. It was fun, but we had about 20 people on the floor of various ages and skill levels so that made it interesting.

My sweetie and I finally took off and left the kids to play. We had almost an hour before I had to meet my friend, Dana, so she could set up the wedding cake, so we sat on the porch and enjoyed half an hour of the sunshine that had peeked through the inversion. Then it was time to run off again.

Prima Donna, Drama Queen and I made
a few last minute touches before the reception would be ready. I loaded all the cookies onto the trays, Drama Queen set up the video and sound system, and Prima Donna ate the cookies...

It wasn't long before the rest of the wedding party showed up. We pinned flowers and fixed hair and makeup before heading out in the back field to take a few more pictures. Some of the girls were standing in the snow in heels rather than boots. Their feet were freezing!

We started the ring ceremony at 5:50, about 20 minutes later than we had planned, but we were still finished and ready to receive the first guests by a few minutes after 6:00. We had a steady stream of visitors until just before 8:00 when the bride and groom decided it was time to cut the cake. That went as expected with each of them smearing the others' face with white fondant and frosting.

Then it was time for dancing. Teach had always wanted to dance at her wedding and she shared that first dance with Twiz and then the second one with her dad. Then Twiz danced with his mom and it was tender and sweet as she finally gave him back to our daughter.

After that she tossed the bouquet which Prima Donna caught (again!) much to the chagrin of her sisters and the other single sisters. Then they changed their clothes and we lined up by the back door to blow them off with a steady stream of tiny bubbles.

Crafty had my phone and took some pics, but we should have the ones back from the photographer in a week or so and maybe I can share more. Our amazing army of helpers had everything cleaned up and we were back at the house by 9:30, much earlier than I was expecting. We rewarmed leftovers from lunch and ate dinner around the piles of boxes and gifts.

It was a beautiful, happy, glorious day full of love and family. Come back tomorrow. I have another surprise for you.


  1. everything, and everyone looked wonderful

  2. I am so happy for you all and especially that sweet couple. I have loved following the adventures of getting ready for it all. I feel sad that we didn't get there. We stopped at a missionary visit and it ended up being a long one. The sweet sister was struggling with a lot of things. I can tell you had a fabulous time and one more of your dear children off on their own. You are such an awesome family so I know your children have been prepared well for being on their own and being married.
    Blessings and sending extra love and hugs your way! Hopefully, we can connect sometime again.
