
Feb 25, 2016

Sad News

Image result for Sad face
Bossy warned me on Sunday that something didn't feel right.

Today she had an ultrasound.

No heartbeat.

After 9 years of trying for a successful pregnancy, this one has terminated itself at 13 weeks.

She is devastated.

We are all heartbroken.

Please pray for our family to find peace and comfort.

Especially Bossy.

Pray for her to have the courage and faith to try again.

So glad I know families are forever.


  1. So Sorry! I thought this would be the time. Our prayers are with you.


  2. I Am sorry for the loss and WILL be praying for your family, especially beautiful Bossy.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about this loss. I will pray for you all. I do hope she will keep trying. It's back to just trusting in the Lord and I have great faith that she will be blessed. Hugs for you all~

  4. So sorry to hear about this. Lots of love to your family, and especially Bossy.

  5. my heart hurts for dear bossy, so sorry.
