
Feb 20, 2016

Last Minute Dress

Sometime last night it became apparent that Prima Donna had a date to the Sweetheart's Dance and even though Drama Queen had planned to make her dress, it was now up to me. As you know, I had my tax appointment and then my Tupperware order to do, so by the time I gathered up the sack full of dress pieces, it was already after midnight.

Drama Queen assured me the pattern was easy and if I just followed the one she was making for Fajita, it should go fast.

So I did.

Unfortunately, there was a problem with that dress and I suddenly had Prima Donna trying on a bodice that I had put together totally wrong including the sleeves. It was time to unpick, modify, or throw in the towel.

2:00 AM  I decided to unpick.

2:45 AM  Finished the deconstruction and started trying to figure out the right way to put things together.

3:55 AM  Back to where I was when I started taking things apart.

5:00 AM  Skirt sewn and ready to attach to bodice.

6:15 AM Woke Nephi for his Merit Badge Pow Wow and started working on the zipper.

7:45 AM  Made sure Crafty was up for her Youth City Council service activity. Had to rework the length of the zipper.

8:45 AM  Had Prima Donna try on the dress before Rehearsal and found half a dozen things that will have to be fixed before she can wear it tonight.

9:00 AM  Started working on this post for you.

9:10 AM  Finally collapsed into bed.

Somebody wake me in a few hours...


  1. Oh sweet girl; I do not know how you do it all. You are amazing! Now I know why I didn't follow my mother in being able to sew well.
