
Jan 16, 2016

Teach's Harry Potter Bridal Shower

Sorry to disappoint you last night. I was SO tired! But let me back up a minute.

As you know, I was up until nearly 6:00 AM finishing the second quilt for Teach and Twiz. I slept for a few hours, but with so much to do, I finally got up and started getting things together. 

We loaded the van and I got the first load over to the church about 1:30. I wanted to get the quilts set up and started well before our first guests arrived. Princess and Bean Dip put up tables and the kids worked on the chairs. 

At 3:00 we had a quick girl scout meeting (at the church) before cookie sales which started today so I could get all my paperwork in order. Then it was back in the gym to finish putting things together for the shower. Drama Queen showed up about 4:30 to finish the final decorating, and by 5:00, both quilts were up and ready.
Chocolate Frogs

By 6:00 we started setting out the food and I snapped a few pics for you. Princess took a bunch more, but mostly not when people were around. The guests started coming just before 6:30. Drama Queen did such a great job with this shower! Seriously, she spent at least 100 hours on it, probably more.

She and Crafty made 362 chocolate frogs and then put little collectible-type cards with all the family members in them. She made the 4 hour glasses with the different colors from the houses. She painted all the signs and the brick background for the photo booth. She made an amazing little cart out of things just around the house. Her goblet of fire was fabulous! And her homemade cauldrons were full of Bertie Bott's jelly beans.

And her dictates on the walls were hilarious. Not only that, she borrowed enough bundt pans to make this snake cake (again, all by herself), and 30 pounds of chicken salad! She is amazing and so full of energy. The ideas she comes up with for props and decorations prove why she is a drama teacher.

Teach and Twiz got plenty of beautiful and creative gifts as well. The quilts were not finished and gathered up until nearly 11:00. I wish we would have started even earlier, but once they were on the frames, all we could do was keep on tying. I will still have to get them bound, but now we are on to the actual wedding... hopefully after a couple of good nights' of sleep.


  1. It was a great party! I had a lot of fun!

  2. You do have an amazing family. I love how you come together and help each other with all the fun events you have. I can see that Drama Queen did such a wonderful job on the shower. She has a very creative mind. Hugs for all!
