
Jan 8, 2016

Returning Books

I spent my whole day chasing around doing random stuff for the wedding and various other things that are still going on believe it or not, like... school?

Princess, the Dog Walker, and Twiz all started back at college this week. My mind is so wrapped up in Teach's wedding, I'm having a difficult time getting my head around their new classes and schedules. And how is it that we have so much trouble getting the right textbooks?

I ordered most of them from the school's bookstore this time just so they would be right even though they cost a little more. I didn't have time to mess with problems. You would think they would know the right books for each class, wouldn't you?


Princess had to return three books to the bookstore (one that was an ebook) and buy a different one. She also had to return one to Chegg that we did manage to rent. The Dog Walker was signed up for an online nutrition class and yesterday they informed us that they were consolidating classes and he would have a new teacher. That was fine, except for the book I had already invested almost $150 on could be substituted for a $30 rental.

That will definitely be another return.

Now if I could just get Scout to find that missing library book...


  1. That sounds frustrating! I remember buying my textbooks at BYU- getting all the "required" ones then showing up to the first day of class only to learn that we didn't need a book at all. So much time wasted in lines at the bookstore!

    Also hope you were able to find those library books.

  2. I do not know how you keep everything straight. You are amazing! Hugs~
