
Jan 27, 2016


I'm so tired today.

There are so many things to worry about with the wedding and I still have real life to live. Sometimes it makes things difficult. Did I tell you I'm going to be working with the Cub Scouts again? I went to my first Pack Meeting since the Dog Walker stopped being the Assistant Cubmaster. Things are so different now. Good, but different.

I told you I finished delivering the wedding invitations yesterday. Drama Queen is making scenery for the reception. She is planning to make the church gym look like a forest.

I think we are almost finished with cookie sales. We've talked with most of our neighbors who typically order and I am just not interested in pursuing it any more this year, although I signed up Baby Doll and Scout for summer camp, so they better sell enough to pay for most of it.

I have one of the quilts almost bound for Teach and Twiz. I picked up the silk bouquet for her bridal pictures today. It's beautiful! My friend did it and she only charged me for the silk flowers. Drama Queen cut out the pieces we need to modify the dress and I need to have that done by Saturday for the pics. I also have Twiz's pants to hem from his suit and several of the girls's dresses to modify.

We are planning to do another ballet this spring and the Grant Proposal is due February 4, so that is something else I can put on my to-do list. Oh, and the Elder's Quorum President called me and asked if my sweetie and I would speak to the adults on Sunday.

I have a dentist appointment and a doctor's appointment for the girls tomorrow; a basketball game, dance runs, preschool, setting up the volleyball nets for the 1st ward, and... and... and...

I'm so tired tomorrow...


  1. I am sending prayers for you. You do have a lot on your plate. I hope you will get some rest here and there. You are amazing at working together as a family so I am sure you will get through it all. Sending prayers, love, and hugs your way!
