
Jan 6, 2016

Making Aprons

When Beauty and The Beast got married, I made cute little relatively useless aprons for the serving girls. I could have taken the easy way out and done that again for Teach and Twiz, but you know me...

So I had my Activity Days girls over today with the idea that they would each make their own apron and then they would be able to serve at the wedding if they wanted. Drama Queen helped me set up 3 sewing machines on one table and then another table for hand-sewing and pinning.

It was absolutely crazy!

We had nine girls here and only a couple of them had any sewing experience at all. I guess it's a dying art. Anyway, threads kept breaking and pins kept poking. Their simple gathering stitches kept pulling right on through and then they would have to sew them again.

We only had an hour and 15 minutes, but it seemed like an eternity and no progress (and no time for pictures). But like everything else, they finally came together and they are so cute! I convinced Crafty to model one for you, but she only agreed because I promised not to show you what she looks like with wet hair.

The picture just doesn't do them justice. They are sparkly and glittery. I'll have to make sure you see one in the wedding lighting. Can you believe we only have a little over a month to have everything ready? And the shower is NEXT WEEK! Anybody have time to piece a couple of king-sized quilts for me?


  1. They look great! I can't believe the wedding is coming so fast.

    Good Luck


  2. They look great! I wish I was local and could help you piece quilts (although I've never done it before... I like to think I'm a quick learner though)

  3. I love the aprons and remember well that these were very important for the wedding reception. I loved that you had the Activity day girls do it. Hugs~
