
Jan 29, 2016

Jordan World Circus

When my sweetie told the guys at work he was leaving to go to the circus, they commented, "Isn't your life always a circus?" That may be true, but tonight we got to take our family to the REAL circus. We had so much fun!

We were given 10 free tickets and we used every one of them. The show started at 7:30 and since it was the last night in South Jordan, it was pretty crowded. The venue is smallish and that put us right down on the level with the action. They had the traditional 3 rings, but most of the time they only had action in the center one. When I asked the kids what they liked the best, they all had different answers. Crafty liked the dog act, Sport loved the motorcycles inside the ball. Baby Doll was fond of the elephants and the camel with the horses. My sweetie thought the guy running in and on the giant wheel was amazing.

My favorite (and Scout's) by far was the acrobats/jugglers. I don't know much about these guys, but there were 8 of them and they did some amazing tricks. I could have watched them for another 1/2 hour easily. But that would have kept us there even later. We didn't get home until 10:45 as it was and that was on a school night and we only live a mile from the equestrian park.

We noticed quite a few people leave early and I think that is mostly because the intermission went so long. During intermission, they allow people to purchase camel, pony, and elephant rides. I'm sure they don't always have this sort of response, but the intermission took more than 30 minutes and because the people were down in the arena, they kicked up a bunch of dust that made it difficult to breathe.

I know the circus counts on the extra income they make from the intermission, but perhaps they need to start the show at 7:00 so it doesn't go so late. My little ones were pretty tired. Thankfully, they are off track so they can sleep in tomorrow. Other than that, we had a great time.

***We were given free tickets for our honest review of this activity. No other compensation was provided.***


  1. Oh that does sound like a fun event. I haven't been to a circus for years. I think I heard that they are going to train here and be more local. That would be awesome. Blessings and hugs!
