
Jan 22, 2016

Guest Blog: My Changing World by Princess

It's amazing how fast your whole world can change. Sometimes it feels like it will always be the same and then you get thrown a curve ball. I think my curve ball came after graduation but it was slow. I could see it going left but it wasn't quite in reach so I just stressed and tried to figure out how to prepare for it. I started doing what I believed everyone was expecting me to do. In the process I cut out many things that I loved and I was very unhappy. 

But I told myself that that is just what adults do. We go to school and work and do laundry and stop having fun and waste our lives away in the mundane. It got to the point where I would look back on the week and think, “Did I even smile once this week?” I was absolutely miserable and yet I wasn't positive of the exact source of the problem. So over the past 2 ish weeks I did all in my power to solve it.

  1. I went to some dance classes.
  2. I started my actual major program.
  3. I quit my job.
  4. I got a new job.
  5. I stopped trying to be a missionary girlfriend.
  6. I found Jaron.

And that, my dear friends, is when it all came together. On the second day I was with him I smiled so much my face literally hurt. He makes me laugh so hard my eyes water. He's my new best friend and biggest support. I can tell him anything and I always want to see him. The hardest thing in my life right now is when I have to say goodnight to him. (Well, that and the fact that I'm a couple weeks behind on laundry.) 

Being with him came with some drama and it brings even more futuristic questions, but I am finally happy. I'm so grateful that the Lord answered my prayers and blessed me. He knows what is best for each of us and He will give it if we ask, but in His own time frame.


  1. hope you are blessed with more and more happiness

  2. Love this! I'm so glad you decided to go looking for more happiness! Hope you're able to continue to seek more happiness, and definitely do the things that make you happy!

  3. You are young you cannot be expected to choose a mate for life and beyond when you are so young, I say date and meet someone sounds like you have and enjoy God's Blessings more..Much congratulations to you and yours and continued prayers and God's Love and joy tooooo!

  4. I love this one! Happy that it all came together; hugs!
