
Dec 27, 2015

May Your Days be Merry and Bright

We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas here! Ever since Teach came back from her mission two Christmases ago, I have gotten all I want for Christmas... having my family and all of my children around me. I hope that number will just keep growing and growing and growing.

We got to bed earlier than usual on Christmas Eve and because of work schedules and the snowstorm, we didn't get a pic of everyone in their new green (bay packers) blog shirts. Fajita was the generous giver this year and they looked great! The kids let us sleep in until almost 7:00 AM before knocking on the door and rousting us out of pleasant dreams.

It was a happy, exciting morning with much love and laughter... and SNOW! We got over a foot of new snow on Christmas morning. It was so beautiful, but it made things a bit hazardous so we didn't see everyone until Christmas dinner around 5:00. Even Grandpa managed the snow so he could have my sweetie's delicious rolls and prime rib.

I think my favorite gifts were the hats so carefully crocheted by Beauty. She made them each unique and warm. The ones that look like My Little Ponies are so cute! Sport's looks like a football and mine is perfect for chilly baseball games. It even has a B for Bingham. Bossy made me a calendar using Shutterfly and it has tons of pics of her kids and mine. And oh, you should see the beautiful painting that Drama Queen made for us! A pic won't do it justice, but I will try to put one up for you tomorrow.

Princess gave me 12 frames, each with a pic of one of the kids and the workings for a giant clock. I'm so excited to put that up on the wall as soon as we get the Christmas things all put away. The kids know that homemade is always my favorite and even Baby Doll repurposed frames from Beauty and The Beast's wedding and turned them into beautiful pics of Jesus with a different title on each one.

Not that I didn't love all of the things I was given. I'm just so glad my kids are loving and giving and kind to each other..

We spent the rest of the evening playing games and talking and sharing the nut prize. Sport was the winner of the $10 gift card when he pulled the giant walnut out of his eggnog shake. The kids slowly drifted off to their own homes and Teach packed her bags so she could leave for New Jersey to be with her sweetie. We waited out the rest of the day, not wanting the magic to end. I even managed to keep the Dog Walker from taking down all the decorations...

Maybe tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

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