
Dec 16, 2015

Fixing the Tree

Tonight was Prima Donna's Candlelight Christmas concert at the high school. It was an elaborate affair with only the choirs performing. In the last few years they have split from two nights to three, with band one night and orchestra making up the third. Prima Donna sings in the A Capella choir and she is loving it.

They had a beautiful stage set up with poinsettias scattered about and two 7 or 8-foot pine trees flocked white for Bingham and covered with white lights and large blue balls. I'm pretty sure they were fake since they would scatter pine needles everywhere otherwise.

Wish I would have had a wider shot so you could see the tree.
Anyway, these trees were near the front of the stage and every time the curtain opened or closed, they would sway a little, like maybe someone had pushed them a little too close to the curtain. Well, it wasn't long before the swish of the curtains brought one down. 

The audience gasped as a large blue ball rolled across the stage toward the choir teacher's feet. We all wondered what might happen next, until the principal strode purposefully to center stage and picked up the ball. Then she turned to the tree and I think as an audience we were expecting her to do the right thing by picking up the tree and sliding it away from the curtain.

The audience roared with laughter when she bent over and instead of righting it, she grabbed the top branch and simply dragged it off the stage.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that must have been a funny moments for sure. I really liked the idea of the decorations; it sounded beautiful. I always loved attending my children's concerts. Hugs!
