
Nov 1, 2015

Happy Halloween!

We had so much fun today! The day started early with football games for Curly and Sport, Taco and Burrito. I went to both of my boys' games, but there was no way I could see the grandsons play today. Curly's game was at 10:30 and by noon, they had defeated the team from Hunter, 20 - 13. That clinched them a spot in the playoffs next week as the 4th place seed. They will be playing the first place team that has never been beaten, but they only lost 7 - 2 last time, so we believe they have a real chance.

After the game was over, I dropped Curly at the house so he could do some Halloween activities with the kids and I headed to Sport's game. Grandpa joined me which was a real treat for Sport. His team trounced Corner Canyon Silver, 41 - 0. They will be in the playoffs as the 3rd place team and they have a good chance of advancing to the finals as well. Taco and Burrito both had wins and both will also be going to the playoffs next week.

Now for the Halloweening...

Drama Queen and Dog Walker took the kids all over the place today. They went to Zaxby's for a free lunch and the Sweet Tooth Fairy for free cupcakes. Then it was off to Macey's for Trunk or Treat and then to Harmons. All of these businesses were very generous and we surely appreciate their willingness to make the holiday special.

We all met up at the house again about 5:30 and the kids got ready for Tricks or Treats. Dog Walker and Prima Donna took all the kids around the neighborhood while Bossy and I stayed at the house and cooked frozen pizzas for dinner. We thought Tombstones were appropriate.

In between running to the door to pass out treats, we cracked and shelled a whole bag of walnuts for Bossy's birthday cake tomorrow. After a bit, she left to pick up the kids and then hit up her neighborhood for treats. It was pretty late when they got home and the candy stash is ridiculous! We should have enough sugar to last us well into the new year.

How was your Halloween?

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