
Oct 5, 2015

Two Graduation Certificates

Guess what came in the mail this weekend?

Two, count them, TWO graduation certificates!

You would think this would be big news, but nobody even told me about them. In fact, the Dog Walker has had his for over 48 hours and he just barely brought it in for me to see. The way I found the one for Princess was by picking it up off the floor in the office. Thank goodness it was still in its protective cardboard sleeve.

I know they are just pieces of paper, but they are definitely a major trip down memory lane. It's sort of like looking at a picture of your child when they have graduated from preschool and then how they look walking into their first day of middle school. There is so much growth that took place during the earning of that diploma; so much sweat and even a bunch of tears.

I remember the first classes for the Dog Walker. He was so nervous about doing it wrong and he didn't know what to expect. We registered for half online and half in the classroom because I wanted him to experience college life with the scholarship so generously given from Salt Lake Community College. He was unsure and afraid, still a boy in so many ways.

That was 3 years ago. Same thing with Princess. She was just getting into the swing of things

when she decided she wanted to earn her Associates degree while she was still in high school. I don't think she had any idea how much work that would take; how many activities she would have to miss, even a family vacation so that she could graduate with a 4.0 and High Honors.

I'm so proud of these two. It's way more than just a couple of pieces of paper. And tomorrow, I will get them into frames and add them to our growing wall of fame.

1 comment:

  1. Wow whee the fact your son got it is outstanding and your daughter tooo!!!!!! You have saved an enormous amount of tuition, fees, etc in having them both get those degrees while getting their high school graduation diplomas too..Utah is one of the states in the USA that awards more high schoold diplomas and aa and bs degrees in all of the USA, I did not think you knew this but it is true, only Minnesota tops your state, it is because of the running start programs in your state and Minnesota has grants for kids to go to college for FREE enabling them to knock out their diploma and AA for free public education is everything to Minnesota and evidently to UTAH too, only Massachusetts has more funds for college making it possible to attend college for FREE and also universal health care free in Massachusetts, of course the tax burden is great for working families in Massachusetts not so much in Minnesota and I am told in UTAH! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR CHILDREN BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY CONGRATS TO YOU THEIR MOTHER AND THEIR WONDERFUL FATHER..I have followed your blog for years now if others could actually love, guide in a physical and spiritual manner, and actually care about their children what a lovely world we would have, the junvenile justice courts would be empty as would the jails for juveniles, here in Washington state we have people of your caliber LDS and other religions who actually adore their husbands and wives and guide, love and have a heavenly Father in their lives and their children are as excellent as your many children are because they PARENT AND LOVE THEIR KIDS! kudos to you and your sweet family..I love your BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God's Continued Blessings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
