
Oct 13, 2015

Seeing All the Animals

My little ones went off track on Friday, so we were looking for something fun to do this week. Then I remembered we had zoo passes and we haven't had much opportunity to use them, so I called Grandpa and Little Sis and asked them to join us. It took a bit of coordinating, but by 1:30, we were all at the zoo.

It was a quick trip and a beautiful day. My niece and nephew had dentist appointments scheduled for 4:00, so we knew we only had a little over an hour. We skipped the snake house (awww, shoot ;), but we managed to see most of the rest of the animals as well as ride the train and the carousel. I was a little worried that it might be crowded because it was Columbus Day and Bossy reminded me that state employees have the day off, but we parked close and didn't have to wait for anything but the train ride.

Without the passes I don't think I would have tried to see everything so quickly, but as we practically ran to the exit, we vowed to make another trip before the kids go back to school in November.

Watching the elephants
Loving the carousel
We had to climb and pose on every statue!
Waiting for the train.
Having so much fun!
Finally on the train!
It looks like we are standing right by the bears, but there is glass between us.

Let's go, Cinderella! We have to run. :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved all the fun pictures and love all the fun things you do with your family. Hugs~
