
Oct 2, 2015

A Playdate With Teach

I have never had my nails professionally done before. In fact, it's a rare day that I even allow the girls to put polish on my fingernails. I keep them short and functional. That's kind of my mode.

Until today.

Teach had the day off and she has been after me for weeks to go with her to get our nails done. She even offered to pay for our little playdate. I finally figured I had put her off long enough and she was really serious, so right after lunch, we headed to the nail salon.

I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, so I pointed to Teach and said, "Do mine just like hers." That served me well. In less than an hour, I had these fabulous gel nails that are supposed to last for at least 2 weeks (I'm thinking more like two days...) The white part on the end is called a french tip. It probably looks better on someone like Teach with longer nails.

After being spoiled at the salon, I offered Teach my ColdStone coupon and we went across the street for a little ice cream. We split one, so it was just enough.

I'm not used to this kind of special treatment, and I was probably not as grateful as I should have been, so "Thank you, Teach! My favorite part was just spending the afternoon with you."


  1. That sounds like a blast! Glad you've got good girls who spoil you!

  2. I loved that sweet Daughter and Mother moment. I think your nails looked awesome. Hugs!
