
Sep 7, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

Look for #57.
How is your weekend going?

We haven't gotten nearly as much accomplished as I thought we might, but it has been a fun and exciting weekend so far. On Saturday we got to watch the boys play football. Curly's little team won their game in overtime. It was way too stressful!

Then Baby Doll, Curly, Scout, and Sport all went to Little Sis's house for a birthday party. It was cold and windy and the bounce house was a bit disappointing, so Little Sis let them all come back today after church to play. The weather was much more calm and they spent an hour or so playing outside and then another half hour or so playing with Legos.

When we left their house, we decided to drive past a little man-made reservoir that we have heard about in Herriman. The kids played on the playground while we walked around the lake. It wasn't far and we could see them the entire time. Sport needs to finish up the Rowing Merit Badge, so we are thinking maybe we should get out the rubber rafts we used when the Dog Walker was in Scouts. Maybe another trip out there tomorrow would be fun.

And last, but of course not least, we watched our annual Newsies movie. It just wouldn't be Labor Day without it.


  1. sounds like a full weekend, love you

  2. Another fun weekend I see. Always love reading about your fun~ Blessings hugs!

  3. Newsies on Labor Day! What a FUN tradition! I'll have to remember that next year. I haven't seen Newsies in FOREVER!
