
Sep 14, 2015

Grandpa's 80th Birthday

We celebrated my dad's 80th birthday today with a grand party at my house.There were 46 people here and we fed them spaghetti and meatballs, salads and garlic bread. It was a little crowded at first, but people eventually settled into their gathering spaces and that kept people from walking over each other.

I made a huge german chocolate cake, but I felt like it was a little dry, so I was glad that Princess and Crafty jumped in and put together some different desserts.We also had 2 kinds of cookies and peanut butter bars. It was fun to visit with everyone. We had 2 cousins and their spouses here. I hadn't seen them in years!

By about 8:00, everyone was gone and it was time to clean up and get the kids ready for the new week. There are so many things coming up over the next few weeks. Prima Donna got the part of Mrs. Holloum in the musical at Bingham, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. She is super excited about that! It is the part she auditioned for.

Other auditions going on were for Nutcracker and we should see those results on Wednesday. It is pretty nerve-wracking. Until we get everyone settled, we just don't know how our lives might change. One thing for sure, there is always change.


  1. It was a great party! Thanks for hosting!

  2. It looks like you had a great birthday celebration for your Dad. The food and dessert particularly sounded good to me. I would eat German Chocolate cake regardless of whether it was dry or not. It's a favorite of mine. Happy your daughter got the part she wanted in the Bingham play. I love that play.
    Hope the other auditions go well too. You do have a busy life with lots of changing going on.
    Blessings and hugs~
