
Sep 17, 2015

CFA Kids' Club

Chick-Fil-A is so cool! Here in South Jordan they have a kids' club that meets once a month. The club is free and they focus on a different thing each month. My kids did it some last year, but Bossy took them every time, so this was my first time. And my second time. And my third time.

It was a crazy evening. I took Baby Doll and Curly to tap as soon as the kids got home from school. When I picked them up, I had to take Curly straight to football practice. Then Baby Doll changed her clothes and we loaded Sport and Scout in the van so we could drop Scout at her tap class. Then I took Baby Doll and Sport to CFA for the kids' club.

They had so much fun touring the fire engine and making badges and hats. They were each given a cookie and Sport also got a little stuffed cow and a free shake for his birthday. We had to hurry. I dropped Sport and Baby Doll at the house and then ran to pick up Scout. Round 2. I took her to CFA and did the same thing all over again.

Then it was back to the house to throw dinner together. At 7:00, I sent Dog Walker after Crafty at the dance studio and I picked up Curly from practice. Sport got his own ride to Young Men's. Then Curly and I came back to the house, picked up Crafty, dropped her at the church, and I drove to CFA for a third time today.

Curly knew everything ended at 7:00, but they had given us his little cow and shake coupon for his birthday and he was anxious to cash it in. He didn't want to miss out on all the fun. Sadly, when we arrived at 7:15, everything was cleaned up so we ordered his free shake and stood by the counter to wait. Then I saw the girl who was running the cookie station and I asked her if they had anything left over for my boy. She told us "No," but she must have seen the disappointment on my little guy's face, because she disappeared and returned a minute later with a cookie for him anyway.

Then, to top things off, his shake was a size bigger than he was expecting! This is why I love Chick-fil-A.

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