
Aug 23, 2015

Party at Thanksgiving Point

Petting the bunnies
My sweetie works for a big defense contractor and every year they have a company picnic. They switch up the venue; last year it was at the zoo, but this year it was at Thanksgiving Point.

Such a cool bench made from a wagon wheel.
We have spent a little time at the museum on Two-Buck Tuesdays, but most of it we have never seen, mainly because of the cost associated. In fact, the company told us the tickets were worth $35, but that included lunch and admission to all of the museums and gardens.

But nothing can be easy. Sport and Curly had weigh-ins for football this morning and we had a Lowe's class scheduled. At 11:00 we piled in the van and headed down the road. Teach drove her car separately because my sweetie and I and Sport were leaving at 3:00 for his scrimmage game that gratefully was just down the street.
Watching the animals.

When we arrived at Thanksgiving Point, the first thing we did was hop on the free shuttle bus to the picnic area. Unfortunately, we had to walk back over to the Farm to cash in our tickets. Then we walked back to the picnic area, picked up our boxed lunches, and shared them under the trees.

Riding the ponies
Then it was back over to Farm Country. The kids loved all the animals and Drama Queen and I held their place in the pony ride line while they petted pretty much everything. When it was finally time for them to get on the ponies, they were ecstatic. Scout played it cool, but Curly and Baby Doll both had huge smiles on their faces.

Can we build a house that won't break in an earthquake?
After that we all got on the wagon ride, but I noticed that the Dog Walker's eyes were swelling up and he looked terrible. We hadn't thought to get him an allergy pill before we left from home and he was suffering. We walked over to the Ancient Life museum and after we got all the kids well on their way, we found out that they do sell Claritin for $2 a pill!

My sweetie, Sport and I made a quick run through the Ancient Life museum and then took off for the football scrimmage while the other kids took their time. We met up again at the Museum of Natural Curiosity at 6:00. The kids had already been through with the older girls, but they were happy to do it all over again with us. Then we wandered through the Discovery Garden until it was time to leave at 9:00.

Acting like pirates on the stage at the Natural Curiosity Museum.
It was a great party with several thousand of my sweetie's best friends and coworkers. What could be better than that?

Don't fall off, Dog Walker!!

I think I've seen this same thing at the zoo, except it had monkeys crawling on it.


  1. That sounds like a blast!! Chris's company does a big picnic thing every year, 4/5 years we've been here it's been at Six Flags and they've rented out the whole Pakistan so lines weren't horrific. But I really wish we had somewhere like thanksgiving point to go to! I've heard some of my friends talk about taking their kids there but didn't know what all it entails. Looks like yall had a great day!

  2. Good you got your son dog walker some Claritin he could have been really miserable..That is great your husband works for a company that actually cares about their employees..Amusement parks on the west coast and even fairs county and the state fairs are pretty expensive they charge enormously for parking not so much for the entrance fees and always free on the first day with a pancake breakfast fit for a queen or king or princes or princesses if you get the coupon at the supermarket in time!!!!!!!!!!!! I won a 4 packet of fair tickets and parking too, could not go it was about 101 the day of the fair and 90 when they served the breakfast I gave them to a family of 2 little kids and I guess they enjoyed themselves later in the day.>We are experiencing a season of wild fires, no bbq in state parks, no fireworks not anything with fires..Three young men who fought the fires in TWISP WA lost their lives oh, my Lord! It has been nearly 30 days total of above 90 and triple digits never has this area seen the heat like that in 100 years, Governor Inslee had to call in the national guard and seek fire fighting Volunteers it is going to be a rough go of it for many months, the pristine areas have burned up and water is restricted too, it cost many their jobs, lives etc..I know GLOBAL WARMING it is here, even our President Obama called the Gov. Inslee declaring many counties disasters..I pray daily for some coolness and precipitation, lived here since june 1978 hottest year ever..Enjoy the fact you can have a cool breeze in Utah, we are not getting many of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What a fun event to have for employees. It is awesome that you could do it all for free. I have taken Grandchildren down there once; but some of the things were a bit pricey. We loved the museum of curiosity. I am happy you were able to have this fun opportunity. How you maneuver all your different events I don't know. Just amazing! Hugs~
