
Aug 18, 2015

Love Will Find a Way, the Video

Remember last week when I shared the video about our trip with you? Well, the kids made another video on the trip although this one is a little different.

While we were in the Fort Bliss Military Museum, Princess and Daylen and some of the kids thought it would be fun to make a short story about a dad who goes off to war. I love that my kids are the actors, but I also think it was a fabulous way for them to capture major parts of the museum.

It's not very long. Take a minute and watch it. I think you might enjoy their creativity and all the fun they had exploring this free museum in El Paso. It's too bad they didn't have access to costumes.


  1. really fun, thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow, I loved it. I thought the filming and acting were awesome. I wonder if your family should produce you tube video; I think they could earn money doing it.
    Blessings and hugs!
