
Aug 1, 2015


We had another busy and fun day. Our first stop was Galveston Island, more specifically Stewart's Beach. We had been warned that we might not be able to find a good place for the kids to swim in the Gulf of Mexico, so we were a little worried about the water. Stewart's Beach turned out to be a mostly clean and fun place for the kids to play...and the adults.

I wish I had more pictures for you, but I was having too much fun catching the waves with my little ones. Curly and Baby Doll would both be bowled over by the swells without someone to hold onto them. I got to be the fortunate one and it was way better than if I would have been out there on my own. Both of them would giggle and jump each time they were hit with a wave.

If they happened to get a mouth full of salt water they would get upset, so we turned our backs to the waves and let them be a surprise each time. We spent a good hour in the water and then we came to shore for water, made some sandwiches, and headed back in.

Half an hour later my sweetie herded us to the van (still in our swimming suits much to the chagrin of some of my girls) and we drove back to the hotel. After a quick shower and some soup, we were on the road to Kemah Boardwalk and the amusement park there.

It wasn't a very big park. There were probably only a dozen rides and sadly, some of them had seats that were too narrow for my wide hips. But Curly and I loved the Airplane ride. The train was fun and so was the one that took us high up in the sky so we could see the water and city around us. The best part was the fireworks! There were hundreds of boats out on the water before they started shooting them off. I guess tons of people wanted to watch them from the water instead of the pier.

They also had a two-story carousel the kids enjoyed. We left about 11:30 and stopped for a bite to eat at a Whataburger. By the time we got back to the hotel it was after 1:00 AM and most of the kids were sleeping in the van.

I'm glad breakfast goes until 10 tomorrow morning. I think a few of us need to sleep.


  1. The beach sounded fun for you all and especially those sweet younger ones. You have planned some fun events. I think I would love a smaller amusement park. You are having a pretty big trip on this one. I don't know how you do it with so many children. Amazing! Hugs~
