
Aug 6, 2015

El Paso

None of us have ever been to El Paso before, so we weren't sure what to expect. I told you about driving along the border last night. We checked out of the hotel about 9:00 although I think the kids would have loved another hour in the pool.

Our first stop was on an Army base, Bliss Museum. My sweetie was a little nervous about having to go through security and all that, but it turned out to be no big deal. Before we even got out of the van, Curly was bouncing on the seat. He wants to be a soldier when he grows up, so I chose the military museum just for him.

They had a bunch of tanks and a helicopter in the parking lot, and it was even better inside. Exhibits included all of the wars with equipment and uniforms, pictures and explanations. I loved the history! It was so much fun to watch Curly. He was enchanted with each new piece of equipment. Sometimes I worry a bit about his fascination with guns...

We spent a good hour wandering around and taking pictures. And the best part about that museum was that it was free although honestly, I would have gladly paid admission.

Back on the road again, we drove another hour and a half before our next stop, White Sands National Monument. I had never heard of White Sands before I started planning this trip, but I was so glad I found it. Miles and miles of white gypsum sand dunes.

We were worried that the sand would be too hot for the kids to play with because the temperatures were up over 100 degrees. But the sand was surprisingly cool. Prima Donna even wanted a chance to play although she couldn't climb the hill with the kids, she did make a little sand castle at the bottom.

Some cute girls gave the kids their sleds so they could slide down like snow. I didn't know that was even possible, but the kids sure enjoyed it. My sweetie tried rolling down the hill! He ended up with sand in his clothes all evening.

We ate lunch there and then climbed back in the van. We stopped again in Truth or Consequences, but we couldn't find the hot springs we had read about so instead we went to McDonald's for sundaes. I'm going to go on a massive diet when I get home. I shudder to even think about the pounds I have added on this trip.

We drove the rest of the way to Albuquerque. We are staying at the Hyatt Regency because I got rooms really cheap here. It is quite a shock to the kids. Most of them don't remember being in a hotel this nice before, but I think the main thing is that they actually don't serve breakfast! What will they do without their Texas-shaped waffles???
Scout and Baby Doll


  1. Woah! That's cool stuff! So happy to learn fun new things about Texas from you! If Chris's health wasn't made worse by traveling we would be exploring all these places too!
