
Aug 10, 2015

Birthday for Drama Queen

You all know what an amazing girl my Drama Queen is, but I want to brag on her a little since it is her 26th birthday today. She is almost 2 months into her 12-month mission she is serving for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She works in publishing services in the film department, which is wonderful for her. Rather than teaching, she is thinking that after her mission she wants to go to grad school. In fact, that crazy girl is taking the GRE this morning. Yeah, I know, on her birthday.

While she is serving her mission, we are hoping to get all her paperwork in place so that she can move on to that next stage of her life next fall. She is thinking it might be fun to do some screenwriting. Do any of you know anyone who has been successful in that field? She would love advice.

We had a birthday party for her here today with the family. Unfortunately, we discovered (right before her party), that one of the freezers had gone out while we were on vacation. It was a stinky, horrible mess and we had to deal with it pronto. We unloaded it into the dumpster (sorry, neighbors, for the smell), and my guys carried the whole thing into the side yard. Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of it.

We started the party late and it felt a little rushed because we wanted to go to Daylen's house and watch him open his mission call. He has been asked to serve for 2 years in the Minnesota, Minneapolis mission and he will leave on November 18. Princess will have to figure out how to get along without him for a while, but she will be busy with school, so that should help ease her pain. She and the Dog Walker start at UVU in a couple of weeks.

I can't figure out why I'm feeling so resistant to change this time. I just don't want to get back in the routine of school. Curly and Scout start next Monday, but Sport is doing math classes all this week, so it is almost like we are starting today.

Just too much to do...


  1. happy birthday to your precious drama queen.

  2. Happy Birthday, Drama Queen! That sounds like a great mission opportunity for her! And yikes about the freezer, that is horrible!
    And congratulations to Daylen on his mission call! What an adventure!
