
Jul 7, 2015

The Cokeville Miracle

We don't see movies very often. Especially when they are still playing in the theater. You can guess why, it costs me an arm and a leg! But we had heard so much about The Cokeville Miracle that we decided it would be worth the money.

My sweetie works late hours, but he joined us about 7:30 so we could spend our free coupons at In N Out before the 9:10 show. I know, it's late for the kids, but hey, it's summer. They can sleep in a bit.

There weren't very many people in the theater with us, but even without Princess, we filled up the whole row. I knew the first part of the movie would be frightening, so I held Baby Doll in my lap the entire time. If you remember, Cokeville is the tiny Wyoming town that had a couple of crazy people take over the elementary school. They wanted $200 million to set the children free.

When the bomb explodes, none of the 98 children or teachers are killed. Afterward, the children recall seeing angels who protected them and they tell of a collective prayer for safety from hundreds of people. I do believe in miracles and the power of prayer.

Go see this movie. My children were sobbing. The spirit is so strong. Best $88 I've spent in a long time.


  1. We will have to see it again when I get back.

  2. I am so happy that you got to see the movie; it was fantastic. My husband and I were so thankful that we went to it. We cried a lot and the spirit was very strong. The theater was full when we went and everyone clapped at the end. I am hoping all of my children and grandchildren will see it.
    Hugs for this one!

  3. I can only imagine this movie!!!!!!!!!!!! God surely was saying something in it. Sorry you paid $88.00 to see it but maybe the good lord will repay you and your family in some other way..You witnessed what happened when evil comes to a town set on evil and God delivers them from this evil..Miracles do occur each and everyday, He truly does. Your faith is important and so it is with your entire family..I read your blog daily and it is a joy from the Lord, thanks for reviewing and yes we will see this, one cannot get enough of MIRACLES HERE ON EARTH, waiting for our Heavenly Father!

  4. sounds like an awesome movie.
