
Jul 1, 2015

Summer School

I'd like to say that it is summer, and the triple digit temperatures would agree that it is, unfortunately, not everyone is out of school at my house.

Teach is taking the most classes. She has a full load of graduate-level courses at UVU and she is also working full-time. She must be related to me.

The Dog Walker just "loves" taking classes. We won't even go there.

Prima Donna has a Conservation Biology class from SLCC, almost the last class she needs for her AS degree. She is also taking the fitness class from the electronic high school so she doesn't have it messing up her schedule for fall.

Crafty is taking Honors Biology in the fall and it required a summer project. She decided to take a full year of Earth Systems from the electronic high school as her project and to get it out of the way.

Sport will be taking a week of prep math for Honors 8, but we aren't counting that now since it doesn't start until August.

I am so proud of them for all of their hard work! It's hard to concentrate on homework when all of their friends are out chasing around.

Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I know I tell you how awesome I think you are and just amazing. Your children are just amazing too. I think it is so wonderful that they are taking classes during the summer. Hugs for all!
