
Jul 20, 2015

Pioneer Day - Early

Waiting for the concert to begin.
We have started celebrating Pioneer Day a bit differently each year for the last couple of years. Typically we dress up in period dress, play pioneer games, and do dutch oven. Only this year we are going on vacation, and those things are hard to do on the road, so we decided to celebrate a little early.

Last night Princess got four tickets to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Orchestra on Temple Square perform at the Conference Center. It was totally last minute, but she didn't want them to be wasted since they are so difficult to get.
No pics allowed of the show, so I snapped this one early.

Drama Queen offered to look after Prima Donna, so Princess, Crafty, my sweetie, and I all decided to go. We totally enjoyed the show! There were tons of people there, but our parking was in the Triad Center and we did the quick march and got out before traffic even hit. It was perfect.

Making (shaking) butter
Then tonight we had our dutch oven dinner and s'mores with the kids. Bossy and her family joined us as did Beauty and The Beast. We didn't do any games this time, but Teach was giving a colorguard lesson to one of the neighbor girls and it was fun to see all the kids learning to toss the flags and the rifles.

I have my Activity Days girls coming on Tuesday and we are going to do games and make butter, so we made our own butter tonight so I would know what I was doing. It was actually super easy and tasted so good! I'm not sure it makes sense money-wise, but it was sure fun to know that we could do it.

Happy (early) Pioneer Day!


  1. I love that you were able to do some Pioneer celebrations activities before leaving on vacation. You do so many fun things with your family and that's why I love following your posts. Perhaps, we need to start our own 24th of July Celebrations. We need a good tradition for it. Hopefully, we can do some celebrating with our family in Heber.
    Blessings and hugs!
