
Jul 28, 2015

More Fort Worth

We started our morning in the Stockyards. Prima Donna decided to stay at the hotel and sleep and it was probably a good thing. Those brick paths would have been so difficult for her to maneuver. The shops were cute and way too pricey for me. The kids bought a little taffy and some root beer barrels in the candy shop and my sweetie bought some honey sticks and beef jerky.

It didn't take much to convince him to buy a hat in the variety store that sold so many Texas-themed treats for Teach to send home to her brothers and sisters when she was a missionary. The prices were way more than she paid. The highlight of the Stockyards was the cattle drive. The kids were excited to see real Texas Longhorns and they weren't disappointed. That was one of very few activities that didn't cost anything.

We left the Stockyards about noon and headed for one of Teach's favorite spots to eat, Braum's. The salad was good and the kids enjoyed burgers and fries, but mostly we all loved the ice cream! A double dip was only $1.99. After Stockyard prices, that seemed like a real bargain. My sweetie suggested we stop there again while we are in Texas.

After Braum's, we headed back to the hotel. Drama Queen offered to look after Prima Donna while we took the younger kids to the Scouting Museum. Teach and Craig, Princess and Daylen had a special treat. They were offered the opportunity to watch the batting practice for the Rangers and the Yankees, and not just from the stands. There passes put them right down on the field with the teams! It was the most excited I have ever seen Craig.

But for the rest of us, we loved the Scouting Museum. It was Monday, so it was free which was a bonus. It was interactive with a shooting range, Pinewood Derby track, and kayaks in fake water. We got to see patches from all over the world and all the merit badges over the years.

The kids each received a patch when we left, even the girls! We only had a few extra minutes to run back to the hotel for Prima Donna and Drama Queen. Then it was on the road again to the Rangers game. The seats were way high up in the highest concourse, but we were able to convince a security guard to let us sit much lower so Prima Donna wouldn't have to climb the stairs.

The Rangers lost 6 - 2 and we left after the 7th-inning stretch. My sweetie wanted it to be easier to get Prima Donna back safely to the van. We stopped at a pancake house for a late supper. The food was disappointing, but the atmosphere was fun.

Tomorrow we are off on more adventures. We only have one more day in Ft. Worth and then we will be moving on to Houston. We really do want to see as much of Texas as we possibly can while we are here. We can sleep when we get back to Utah...


  1. You guys are too fun!! Enjoy your last day in Fort Worth, and then Houston! Can't wait to hear more about your adventure!

  2. Good you are having a great time with your family, too bad the prices and food are disappointing, I think most places jack up the prices for mediocre food in the summertime knowing visitors don't really know where to eat..Can you toast in your hotel rooms and are there any grocery places around, sometimes they are more reasonable for food than any other place just a suggestion..We don't do any dinners in most cities we travel tooooo..we call friends in those citites and they either have a spread for us and we pay for the food from a grocery market or we know where to dine and not at the hotels and not in the tourists spots ever..happy Texas visit to you and yours!

  3. I think it is awesome that you got to attend a Rangers game; what a fun moment.
    It's a good think there are a few free things I think the Scouting museum sounds like a great place to visit.You do find some unique things to do. Hugs~
