
Jun 18, 2015

Princess Phone Pics

Princess and I were talking last night and she asked me if I wanted to see some of her cute pics in her phone. She is much better at just taking the random pics than I am. Some of them are pretty fun so I asked her to share them with you. I'll try to explain them as we go.

On Monday, Princess and Dog Walker went down to UVU for their Orientation. One of the things they could do was join this credit union and then take a turn in the Money Machine. Can you believe each of them grabbed $18?

Princess told me they were trying to build a totem pole, but Baby Doll wasn't too excited about being on the bottom. In her short lifetime, she generally comes out on top!

Love these awesome dancers! Princess is the one in green...

Princess's boyfriend has a bunch of cute little brothers. This is one of them.

Not at all sure what Teach and Crafty are doing in this pic, but it has to be something a bit sketchy, don't you think?

I can only guess that these legs belong to Crafty and Princess. Lots of people mistake them for twins. Even me sometimes.

This last one is my cute dad. Happy Fathers' Day, Grandpa. If you don't like it, blame Princess. I personally love the shades, but my favorite part is that smile. Love you!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the fun pictures~ This era of children are very good at taking fun pictures. Hugs!
