
Jun 28, 2015

Busy, Busy Weekend

Busy, busy weekend...

On Friday we had a friend birthday party for Sport. He had about 18 kids there and it was totally crazy! They played dodgeball and basketball at the church, ate cupcakes and we herded them out the door with a gift bag. Sport was happy and cleanup was quick.

After that Bossy convinced me we could go to the Welby carnival. I wasn't real excited about it since it was so hot, but we spent an hour there and the kids had fun in the bounce houses. Then my sweetie and I attended a viewing for my sister's FIL.

This morning Drama Queen and I took the 4 youngest to Cowabunga Bay for the Girl Scout cookie party. We got there at 9:00 and waited in a long line before we finally got into the waterpark. The kids convinced me to go on a couple of slides and around the lazy river. We also got lunch which turned out to be hot dogs (and hamburgers) again...

I think that is all we have eaten this week. We got back home just after 1:00 and I had to rush around getting ready for Sport's family party that was at 5:00.

Drama Queen made my many trips to the store for me, thank goodness, while I made dinner, a cake, and wrapped gifts. My sweetie was installing my new dishwashers!

The party was a success and by 7:00 we were finishing up and getting ready for the next big event. Tomorrow is the Dog Walker's mission report and Sport's priesthood ordination. We are planning to feed quite a few people breakfast after church, so we put up the canopies outside and set up tables and chairs.

The Dog Walker gets to speak in Sacrament Meeting for about 15 minutes, so he spent a couple of hours writing his talk and then doing some rewriting to make it longer. Drama Queen has been cutting melons and fruit and now she is working on our "breakfast casserole" made of hashbrowns, bacon, eggs, and cheese. She is such a lifesaver!

As if that weren't enough, tomorrow evening we are celebrating Prima Donna's 17th birthday...

1 comment:

  1. Well never a dull moment in your life. I just want you to know that I loved meeting you and your family. My husband and I really enjoyed coming to the Sacrament meeting and hear Dog Walker's talk. The talk was so awesome and he did such a great job and delivering it.
    I felt the spirit so strong and we were a bit teary eyed on this one.
    You do have a marvelous family.
    I can see that Saturday was a very busy day and it appeared like a fun one too. You do roll alot of things into one day. I can imagine that time goes fast.
    I loved the pictures and I am excited you got your dishwashers installed.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
