
Jun 11, 2015

6th Grade Awards Assembly

Today was the Awards Assembly and clapout for Sport. I can't believe he is no longer in elementary school! Time is just flying by so fast. This assembly was only for A Track students, so we didn't have tons of kids in there, only about 10 classes. It was nice to be a bit smaller.

They gave out most of the awards in the individual classes. Sport, Scout, and Curly all got their Soaring Leader Awards before they came into the gym. There were quite a few given in Curly's class, but Scout and Sport were the only ones in their classes. I was totally surprised by that. It used to be that most of the kids in the classes earned them, but they have beefed up the requirements and they are much more difficult now. I wasn't sure that Scout was going to finish hers by the deadline, but she managed to squeeze it in at the last minute.

Most of the Awards were given to 6th graders, but they did give out a Principal's Award first. Each class had 2 students, a boy and a girl who were chosen for this honor by their teacher. I was so proud when they announced Curly's name! He was surprised and excited.

Sport is an excellent student and he had already earned a pile of awards in his classroom, including the "Sharpen the Saw" award, the Honor Roll, Citizenship, and his Safety Patrol and Council Awards. But he wasn't finished. He stood up as one of only a handful of 6th graders who received the President's Education Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence.

We were surprised again when he was awarded the Hope of America award by the Kiwanis Club. This is the highest award offered by our Elementary School and only one boy and one girl in each 6th grade class receive it each year. None of my older kids have ever received this one and we have had many amazing scholars in our family. Sport was pretty surprised as well.

It's funny, a couple of years ago, he really wanted to do something none of the other kids had done before. He wanted to make his own "mark" on the world. He succeeded when he won the DARE Essay Contest in 5th grade. Oh, he had won other things, like the Bike Safety Slogan Contest for County Health, but he wanted to win something that the others had tried to win.

Now he has a second thing to add to his list of accomplishments.

After the awards assembly, they had the 6th grade clapout. All of the students lined up in the gym and through all the halls and the 6th graders walked through and high-fived everyone along their path. Sport was the very first one in line!

He looked so happy and so ready to be done with elementary school. Now it's only 9 down, 3 to go.

1 comment:

  1. You do have some accomplished children; high fives for them all! Blessing for all their great achievements and hugs!
