
May 14, 2015

What's Crafty Been Up To?

Crafty is such a busy girl! She always has a hundred things going on. She took her first theater classes this year and last week they put on their play for the school and then for the parents. She was the mother hen in a cute little farmyard tale. It was a little juvenile for middle-schoolers, but this is a new teacher...

Then remember last week when Princess was in the Miss South Jordan pageant? Well, Crafty's dance group was part of the entertainment. She did a fabulous job! Not that I am surprised by that. Her performing team took Highest Points Overall at the America Onstage dance competition a couple of weeks ago.

Then last night we attended her final band concert of the year. She plays the clarinet in the symphonic band even though she is only an 8th grader. I think I've told you before that I want all my kids to learn to read music and play an instrument. I wasn't great at enforcing that when the older ones were young, but I'm definitely requiring it now. It makes them better students all the way around. Her band teacher has this whole lecture on that particular subject.

And last but certainly not least, this amazing girl has a 4.0 gpa and all Honors in citizenship. I'm so proud of her many accomplishments and I think sometimes she feels like she is ignored as a middle child, but I'm so grateful for her sweet and happy personality.

You are awesome, Crafty!

1 comment:

  1. Yup! Here you go with another amazing daughter. I loved reading about Crafty and her pictures are awesome. I do believe that learning music helps with academics all the way around.
    I think you two look very much a like.
    Blessings and hugs for you both!
