
May 18, 2015

Great Salt Lake Bird Festival 2015

We had so much fun at the Bird Festival yesterday! Bean Dip, Taco, Sport, and their friend, Stratton, all went on the Bird Study merit badge class with Bossy, so we had 4 hours to kill at the various workshops and booths. It was pretty easy.

We started by taking these fun pictures outside (which is good because it rained most of the day). Then we joined the workshop on owls. Baby Doll was feeling a little queasy, so she had a throw-up cup with her. Thank goodness she didn't have to use it!

She loved the owls, especially the white-faced one named Marshmallow. She was a bit grossed out when it coughed up a pellet...

After the owl workshop we headed to the Home Depot booth and we made bird houses. They were nice enough to let us take 4 kits for our boy scouts.

We visited various other booths and the kids did bird masks and sandart, they played Plinko, and looked at their own beautiful pictures hanging on the wall. All of them envied the big blue ribbon next to Baby Doll's but mostly they were excited for her.

We joined one last workshop about hummingbirds and the kids were pretty disturbed by the video that showed a preying mantis eating a hummingbird. It was enough that we left the booth and headed to the van to eat our sandwiches before Bossy drove us back home in the rain.

My favorite part was the signed blue cards. That makes 6 merit badges for Sport so far and he won't be 12 until next month. I'm guessing he will earn a pretty good sized pile for himself.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that Baby Doll is so adorable. I loved all the bird face pictures. It looked like a fun event and I think it was so fun for her.
