
Apr 29, 2015

Guest Blog: Teaching Preschool by Princess

Over the past year I have had the opportunity to teach preschool at the high school. Our high school has a daycare and preschool run by students and this year I took up 1/4 of my schedule so I could do it. (Thank goodness I took gym online already.) When I walked in to preschool the first day and saw all the other teachers I was scared. I mean, they didn't really yell "preschool teacher" to me.

I guess I was quite intimidated for the first couple weeks while we were taught how to be in charge of each child's education. But all that changed when the kids started coming. I didn't do this to be with other teachers, I do it because I love kids and I love making a difference. 

So I help teach everyday, but every tenth time I get to be in charge of all the planning and read the stories and all that jazz. Today was my last day as lead teacher and I wanted to do something memorable, but then again, that's just me. So, with the help of my amazing family I pulled off a pretty fun day of preschool. 

Our theme was the Wild West. After the typical morning routine (calendar, pledge, etc.) We took the roll and I realized two of the teachers had disappeared.  In fact, there was crime a foot. So the kids rode around the school in cowboy hats on little fanoodle ponies that all my sisters helped me make last night. We found wanted posters with Mr. Orange's picture (he kidnapped Ms. Banana). Finally the posters lead us right to the crime scene and the kids saved the damsel in distress.
Snack and story time went smoothly and it was time for rotations. At one center kids did a math worksheet, at another they did a worksheet about the letter Y and made their own wanted posters. Then they designed a cowboy boot, and they got to pan for rocks dyed with gold spray paint. I gave each child a little cowboy hat made of chocolate and sent them home with their horses. I'm going to miss this.


  1. Your a natural born teacher if that is what you wish to do with your education, you have a sweet heart and soul and God guides your every move, I have prayed and prayed for you to get a full scholarship ride for the remaining of your educational pursuits I know the good Lord will not deny you anything..I get a kick out of your guest blogger and may the rest of your education be wonderful just like you! Your parents are the reason you are so spectacular and your faith..we send my familia tons of prayers for a big scholarship to fund the rest of your educational pursuits and also joy, peace and the love of the Lord which you certainly have in your body mind and soul, ciao!

  2. Love this! My high school had a preschool too and I worked in it for 2 years. Preschool was my favorite class, besides band! Sounds like you came up with some great ideas for them!

  3. Oh that looks like such a fun Pre-school day. I loved that you did this one. Of course, you will make a magnificent mother and I know you are a wonderful sister.
    Way to go girl!
