
Mar 12, 2015

Region One-Act Competition

Sorry for the bad pics, it was the best we could get.
Yesterday I told you I had several stories for you. Here is the second one. You remember that Princess was in Layton yesterday at the FCCLA State Convention? Well, Prima Donna was supposed to be there too so she could present her project, unfortunately, the Region One-Act plays were scheduled right over the top of her other competition, and since she had so many people counting on her to fill her acting role (and it was what she really wanted to do), we relented and let her simply compete in the one-act.

Don't think I was even supposed to be taking pics.
For a short time I did consider the insanity of driving to Layton so she could complete and then running her back to Copper Hills High School so she could compete again. Uhhh.... no. There is no way I could have made that trip in 45 minutes!

That's Prima Donna on the top of the stairs.
Drama Queen, Baby Doll, and I watched them do their show. Prima Donna did an amazing job! But the show was a little strange. Let's just leave it at that. OK, it was sort of a mash-up of fairy tales... kind of...

And down here, torturing the Princes.
She played about 6 different roles and at times it was really confusing, but Drama Queen felt like they did well and she judges these things sometimes. I suspect they will advance to the state competition, but we won't know until next week.

I'll keep you posted.

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