
Mar 4, 2015

Curly Hair

When I was in high school (about a million years ago) I used to get up every morning so I could curl my hair with a curling iron. They were super hot then and if you fell asleep with one in your hair, you could do some serious damage! I'm sure I have several scars from accidentally touching the rod to my scalp when I dozed off.

At various times in my life, I was treated to a permanent wave. I had always wanted curly hair and that was a great way to have it. The problem was that I didn't do a very good job picking it out and if I used a brush, it looked more like an unraveled piece of rope than anything else.

So now it's a good day when I really run a brush through it instead of the few obligatory swipes at it each morning. Needless to say, I was a little shocked when Crafty offered to do my hair for me. She has some natural curl in her hair (she got from her dad) so when she braids or twists her hair, it lasts for hours and she looks beautiful.

I quickly agreed to be her model and she spent a good half hour wetting and twisting my hair and then making me look fabulous. The problem with it was that for my super straight hair, it was pretty much gone in less time than it took her to twist it. But for a few minutes, my hair looked better than high school, and I didn't even have to burn myself to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! My hair doesn't hold curl's that straight hair curse.
