
Feb 24, 2015

Ready for Cookies?!

I got an email this morning...

Girl Scout Cookies will be here on Saturday!

How did that happen so fast? I already have a crazy week! Blue and Gold Banquet is tomorrow night and the Dog Walker and I are in charge of that one so there is plenty of work to do to prepare. I also signed up to help with Scout's Jr. Marketplace tomorrow, but I was certain it would be in the morning...yeah, right. I will be at the school until 3:30 and then I will have to book it over to the church to set up for the banquet that starts at 6:30. But that's better than the Dog Walker, he has a tutor appointment that ends at 5:00 and a normally 20-minute drive when it isn't rush hour traffic.

My sweetie is taking off work early so he can accompany Princess to her State Sterling Scholar interview. Lots of scholarship money on the line for that one, but we won't know the results until March 10. Drama Queen is going to take care of things on the home front and help me set up the projector for the slide show Teach made for the banquet.

It seems like this whole week is that way, just one thing after another. Scout's Wax Museum project at school, an Eagle Scout project, Activity Days, Cupcake Club, Youth City Council, Dance, Scouts...some weeks are just exhausting.

Not that it matters. The cookies are still coming.

Get your money ready, we will be knocking at your door on Saturday afternoon...
   ...after the Lowe's class, and Sport's Chess tournament and... and...


  1. What a wild week! I found a Girl Scout in my ward to buy cookies from and was so exited when they came by a week ago with my cookies! I thought of y'all as I ordered/bought/ate my cookies!

    Good luck with everything this week!

  2. Maybe your Princess will snag lots of scholarship money for her college education what is left of her b.s. degree that is and maybe her masters???? Your kids keep active in many worthwile projects an Eagle scout in the works no less..You are to be admired for what you do to help your children achieve lots of things in their young lives, thus paving the way for them to be great Dads and wonderful caring Mothers too..If only other Moms could be as disciplined and caring as you and your Husband are in your family, the juvenile justice system would shut down completely..It is all about discipline, faith, love and caring in one's home it starts with their Mom and Dad and you got it down to the T! keep up the great work and get some rest when and if you can this week..ciao!X()

  3. Our cookies came in a few weeks ago. I wonder do you sell the same varieties we do or does it vary be region of the country of GS council?
    This year we have Trefoils (Shortbread), Thin Mints, Samoas (caramel delights) Tagalongs (peanut butter and chocolate) Peanut butter sandwiches, Savannah smiles (lemon flavored shortbread type cookie), Rah Rah raisins (oatmeal with Raisins) and gluten free Toffee tastics.
    We have booth sales scheduled every weekend for the next month.
