
Feb 27, 2015

Laura Ingalls Wilder

When I was a child, I used to have tons of time to read. It was what made me want to major in English and become a writer myself. One of my favorite authors was Laura Ingalls Wilder. I had that boxed set of Little House books and I read them so many times I think I wore them out.

So when Scout was looking for a character to write her book report for the wax museum, I was so excited to introduce her to Laura. Unfortunately, she wasn't nearly as excited as me.

I chose Little House on the Prairie, because it was the first one I ever read, and she begrudgingly listened to me read to her. Night after night it was an argument as she insisted the book was boring and she didn't want to read it.

We finally finished it on the weekend and she started working on her report. The wax museum required her to dress like her character and pretend to be Laura with a tri-fold display and a little prepared speech. She was less than enthusiastic.

Then we dressed her up like Laura.

Suddenly everything changed! Laura was the coolest ever! And you know what? Scout actually really looks like her. I went to the school this morning to see her present and she did an excellent job.

Then tonight she dressed up again and after family scripture time she presented for the entire family. As she was getting ready for bed, she mentioned to me in passing, "Oh, I started reading Little House in the Big Woods. I really like these books."

<sigh> Mission accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. I love those books, too. You chose the wrong one, though! Little House in the Big Woods is clearly the one to start with-- chronologically, interest-wise, and level.

