
Feb 12, 2015


You probably remember that Princess and Prima Donna are both FCCLA officers at Bingham. (PS. Princess advanced to State competition for Sterling Scholar today!! We are so excited for her!!)

Well, this week is FCCLA week and they have activities going on every day for the lunch hours. So yesterday I checked Curly out of school and dropped him at the high school at 10:30. He was going to help them play "Are you smarter than a 1st grader?"

The girls had coached him on the answers to the questions (all having to do with the FACS department and FCCLA), but he was still nervous. I don't know why he was worried. He was definitely a hit! Look at all these cute girls around him.

They rolled this gigantic die and then depending on what they got was the area for the question. Curly came home at 1:00 with a huge bag of suckers for all the times he out-answered the high school kids. Princess said they had a steady line of people waiting to challenge him and he was happy to have all the attention.

He even wore his Peter Pan hoodie so the students would remember that he is the cute little lost boy from the fall musical, although he is sporting a new shorter (possibly cleaner) hairstyle.


  1. Cute! Sounds like a fun activity! Congratulations to Princess for advancing to State! What a great achievement.

  2. Oh those amazing children of yours and That boy is so adorable. Loved reading this one!
    Very happy that Princess is going to state; awesome.
    Wishing blessings for you all!
