
Feb 6, 2015

Blast from the Past - July 2006

I just love these pictures of Scout! She was such a happy baby. This day was actually Prima Donna's baptism day. After she was baptized, we came back to the house for a family party in the backyard and we had a baby blessing for my nephew. Since his dad wasn't an active member of the church, my sweetie was given the honor.

We set up the canopies in the backyard to protect us against the sun and the occasional summer shower. The kids enjoyed the tramp. Can you guess who is who?

 It was amazing to see my dad smile. My mom had passed away only about a week or so before and it had been less than a week since her funeral. But who could resist the huge grin on Scout's little face?

Here's my sweetie holding our nephew. We had to get special permission to do the blessing at our home with all the family around rather than in a Sacrament Meeting on a Sunday. But as you can see, it turned out to be a beautiful day full of family, food, and friendship.


  1. Lovely fun pictures for awesome activities.
    Love it all; blessings dear friend!

  2. I hate to correct you, but this is actually July 2006 because Mark was born this year, just two weeks after your mom passed away. I'm not even sure I was able to come to the baptism because I think I was in the hospital with Mark.

  3. Nat, you are so right! Thank you so much for correcting me! You should probably do it more often. It's been a rough week.
