
Jan 8, 2015

The First Game

Remember on Tuesday I told you we had our first basketball practice? Well, tonight was our first game in the big gym. It really is quite a bit larger. To give you an idea, our small gym is the size of a volleyball court and the big gym is a regular basketball court. That means tons more running which is something I'm not very good at.

I sure love that game though.

We had 5 people but the other team only had 3 so we gave them one of ours. After the first quarter I thought I was going to pass out, but I didn't.

I just kept on moving.

For some reason I got the point guard position which means I got to bring the ball down pretty much every time. I did that for a while in high school and off and on since then, but not usually for a whole game. It was fun and exhausting all at the same time.

We ended up winning the game 28 - 14. I managed to score 8 of those points which is pretty amazing for me! By the time I got home I collapsed onto the couch. Baby Doll helped me take a selfie for you of my red face although I don't usually like to share my unflattering self. But then she gave me bunny ears and started to laugh so what could I do?


  1. Love the pics! Congrats on the 8 points!

  2. Sweet! I love this one since I love playing basketball too. If I didn't have knee problems I would be using the hoop in my backyard. Well maybe not in the cold.
    Blessings for this cute one!
