
Jan 16, 2015

Guess What Tomorrow is?

Guess what tomorrow is?

Yeah, you are right. I have 3 Jr. Jazz games, basketball pictures, Princess and Prima Donna are working at the food bank, Baby Doll is going to a birthday party, Drama Queen is judging a speech and debate competition, Dog Walker and Sport are going on the Klondike camp out (brrrrrr!)... but I mean besides all that.

Girl Scout cookie sales start!!

I'm supposed to be having a girl scout meeting in just over an hour so I can give all the materials out to the girls and get them excited to sell. And honestly, we need to! Without the cookie money, our troop doesn't have funding for any activities. I have an aversion to charging dues, so this sale is very important to us.

If you have a little girl scout knock on your door tomorrow, please buy a box of cookies. I know we are all on diets right now (but you don't pay or get your cookies until March)..Hopefully you can spare $4 and it means SOO much to that child who puts it on the line every time she walks up to a porch with hope in her heart that she will find a friend when the door opens.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for cookies! A mom in my ward emailed all the ladies and asked if anyone was interested in cookies. She said she would bring her daughter over to visit the people who said they were interested so the little girl still was responsible for the actual sale, and I am so excited for them to come over and tell me about cookies! Before finding your blog the only thing I knew about Girl Scouts was the cookies, I'll have to look into girl scouts for Emma!
