
Jan 22, 2015

Attitude Adjustment

I've had a rather discouraging day. I'm still struggling with Princess's portfolio and I actually tried cleaning off my desk...

So when Princess needed my computer to help a friend with homework, I gladly gave up my seat and headed to my sewing machine. I promised to make some baby quilt tops for an Eagle Scout project and I love the mindlessness of sewing a 9-patch.

It only took me a couple of hours to put together two of the tops. Both of them are the same and I think they turned out pretty cute.

But the best part is that sewing for a while greatly improved my attitude and though it's late now, I'm feeling like maybe things will work out after all.

And tomorrow is a new day. :)

Except that I have to take the little ones to the dentist...
And that portfolio is due Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is so important to have an activity that you love to do that helps to relieve stress. Mine is to read a good book.
    I love that you enjoy sewing because that was my mother's favorite one.
