
Dec 11, 2014

Still Moving Forward

Things are slowly coming together. I got all the suits ordered and fitted. I bought Curly's at JC Penney's with coupons and got a smoking deal. Doesn't he look handsome? He has been wanting a suit for SOO long and the wedding was a good excuse. It would have cost me more to rent a little tux for him.

I think I told you we got all the invitations out now. Today is Dance Recital day so I will be focusing on that. I mostly finished Curly's costume last night but I still have to sew some buttons and fix the hem on his pants. I don't usually cut it that close...

The Dog Walker finished his classes yesterday. Yay!!

I'm also making fudge and treats today for my sweetie's team at work. He has his work Christmas party before the recital tonight so we wanted to get them delivered especially since he will be in Boston all next week.

Christmas is coming together. There are just so many things to do! But I figure December 25th will come and go either way. Ready or not.

Hope you have a terrific day!


  1. Curly does look very handsome in the suit. I am excited that your plans are coming together.
    Just enjoy the moments with that awesome family of yours. I know you do.
    Blessings for all!

  2. He looks so good in that suit! And you're right, Christmas will come and go, ready or not. I really want to be ready, but I'm far from it.
