
Dec 21, 2014

Forgotten Carols

It was a beautiful day that started WAY too early! Scout's basketball game was at 8:00 AM and she was still not feeling well. She finally dragged herself out of bed and we stepped into the gym as they were calling the teams to the floor. My poor girls were pretty upset to think that their coach might have abandoned them! And things didn't end up much better although we did score one basket this time. I've never had a team who was so afraid to shoot...

I came back home discouraged and took a nap for an hour or so. That helped quite a bit and I was able to face the day. We did a bunch of cleaning and preparing for the extended family Christmas party tomorrow. Another trip to the store and more basketball later and we were all getting ready for our family outing.

First we drove to the Wok King for Chinese food. Beauty and The Beast were buying as a gift for the family. With 21 of us, it was a kind and generous thank you for all the work on the wedding. We finished up a bit early and headed for the towne centre to see the Candy Windows Princess, Prima Donna, and Fajita worked so hard on as part of their Youth City Council assignment.

Then we all crowded into the little Santa Shack for a picture. We piled back in the vans again and headed for Cottonwood High School and the final performance of Forgotten Carols. Grandpa kindly treated us all as his Christmas gift and most of us loved every minute of it!

Except for Curly. He only enjoyed the first half...

1 comment:

  1. Well the basketball game seemed challenging. I am happy you did get a nap. I can just imagine how much you need sleep with the schedule of things you are doing.
    I love that you could all go to dinner and I think it is so awesome that you were able to go to the "Forgotten Carols".
    Blessings during this lovely Christmas season for you all!
