
Dec 28, 2014


 I told you last night that I was cutting out skirts for the wedding and Drama Queen cut out Baby Doll's dress. Well, I've been sewing all day and I have actually completed 8 skirts and one size six dress!

As The Beast excitedly reminded me, the wedding is only 3 days away now and I am so glad to have those things finished. Other than helping Princess with the wedding cake, setting up the day before and the day of the wedding, I only have to embroider the temple designs on their handkerchiefs.

Princess made all the lemon bars today and I think she is planning to dip the cake balls after church tomorrow. Things just keep humming along. My sweetie took a trip with Drama Queen and they picked up a bunch of her stuff and brought it home including a freezer. Do I dare admit that they have installed it in my living room until after the wedding to help Princess keep things frozen?!

The things I do for my children...


  1. wow, I can't imagine making all of those skirts, a dress and baby dolls dress. You are incredible. The pictures of your work are awesome; especially loved Baby Doll's dress. Perhaps you can take a deep breathe in a few days.
    Blessings to you all during these precious wedding moments.
