
Nov 14, 2014

So Tired

My sweetie is slaving away about 80 hours a week on a work project. It's almost like being a single mom. I see him for less than 30 minutes a day and it's a rare moment when I can talk to him at work. He is so tired.

So am I.

I know most of my insanity is of my own making, but that doesn't make it any easier. I feel like I'm just running from project to project, lesson to lesson, performance to performance and game to game. It never slows down.

As excited as I was to plan Scout's 9th birthday party with a Minnie Mouse theme, it has been overshadowed by the wedding and I'll now just be glad when it's over.

Anybody got ideas on how to simplify?

And don't suggest that I learn the word "no." For some reason it is just not in my vocabulary. If it were, I'd probably be 100 lbs lighter and a lot less stressed!

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