
Nov 27, 2014

Making Pies

Pretty sure I've told you before that I don't like cooking. It's just not my thing. Oh I can follow a recipe, but just naturally knowing what spices are needed and stuff like that is way beyond my abilities.

Princess, on the other hand, is a natural born baker. She loves it! That's why I had to wait until she got home from shopping before I could make the pies and now that it's almost 2:30 AM and the pies are still in the oven, I'm starting to regret that decision.

We made 4 pecan, 6 pumpkin (one without a crust for my sweetie), an apple, and a small empty crust for someone who might be hoping for a cream pie. Scout helped me mix up the pumpkin. Since we made pies in Activity Days last week, she thinks she's a pro.

The best part of pie-making and just holidays in general is spending the time with family. I'm so grateful for them.

I hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


  1. It is wonderful your daughters know how to make pies they are not easy to accomplish but take a lot of experience and in my opinion time and attention..God's continued blessings to you and yours..Your family and faith are central to your blog..You are truly blessed in these times to have a wonderful family a home, food and love and your FAITH!

  2. that lattice crust looks amazing! I could've used her help in my kitchen baking pies the other day!

  3. That is a lot of pie making and I was complaining about making 3 pies. Of course, this is only the 2nd time I have made totally homemade pies. I am not a natural born chef; thanks heavens my husband is.
    Hope you had a priceless day with family for Thanksgiving
