
Nov 20, 2014

Football Banquet and Footies

Are you starting to see a theme?

Life is definitely hectic around here! I do like the craziness, but sometimes it wears on me, especially when my Sweetie is out of town on business. Not that I don't feel safe or anything, there are still tons of us here and nobody in their right mind would want to run into the Dog Walker in a dark alley...

And I can't really say I'm lonely, can I?

It's more like I can't just call and he would be here in 20 minutes if I really needed him, you know? Like tonight when I wanted a shopping buddy or earlier when I needed help moving the volleyball ladder from one church to another. There was just an emptiness for a second with a moment of realization and then I found someone else to help me. Sport and I did a great job setting up the gym for the tournament tomorrow night. We drove straight to the church after his football banquet and moved chairs and got things ready.

I don't mind hosting the volleyball tournaments, especially when I get to play some of the games, but it's always a juggling act to make sure the kids are where they need to be so I can concentrate on the games. I think I told you yesterday that I'll be making pies with my Activity Days girls and I don't expect to have more than half an hour from pie baking to hosting, so I wanted to prepare as much as possible beforehand.

The only way I can manage to pull things together is to try to stay one step ahead of the game. Teach and I went shopping tonight after 10:00. We ran to Kohl's before my 30% off coupon expired and I picked up shoes and socks for the wedding, some things for Christmas, and a new pair of gym shoes for Sport. (He pointed out the hole in his this morning.)

Then we ran to WalMart to get the shortening I forgot at the store earlier and we managed to choose candy canes for the garland and Teach bought herself this cute and ridiculous pair of pajamas. She laughed when I asked her to pose, but she is a good sport.

Laughter makes the whole thing much easier.
And a chocolate donut...

Now if I could just find those missing pie tins.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh; your life is on flight mode all the time. Bless you for all you do. Yes, a chocolate doughnut can help a lot.
    Good luck on your latest adventures. Have fun making those pies and tossing the volleyballs.
    Blessings for you!
